Off Season Training with Pure CBD Oil For Recovery

Off Season Training with Pure CBD Oil For Recovery - NanoCraft

* DISCLAIMER: The information in this article is for educational purposes only. It does not exploit or provide medical advice of any kind. Therefore, any reliance you place on the information below is strictly at your own risk. Please check with your medical provider before starting or changing a CBD routine.

Athletes are almost always in pain and depending on the type of sport involved in, certain athlete's pain levels can be too much to tolerate without some form of therapeutic or medicinal intervention during the off season.

It is not uncommon for athletes to take NSAIDs and often times even opioids to manage their pain and mental outlook on poor situations. They may also participate in regular bouts of physical therapy or sports training to effectively manage their pain and keep their range of motion in check.

But the pain can continue long after the season is over. Even during the off-season, athletes may continue to feel some level of discomfort or restlessness. After all, the training doesn't end on the last day. Training will typically continue for athletes to stay in shape and maintain their level of performance so that when the first day of the following season arrives, they are ready!!

In the meantime, pain and discomfort continues. But rather than popping pills, athletes can ditch the ibuprofen or opioids in favor of something more natural and just as effective... Pure CBD oil.

Pure CBD Oil as an Alternative to Traditional Pain Management For Athletes

Cannabis oil has long been used as an alternative to conventional pain medication, though it has been traditionally met with criticism, objection and legal conflict. However, more studies examining the effects of cannabinoids on human physiology have continued to strengthen the argument that cannabis compounds are effective, natural, and a safe alternative to traditional pharmaceutical drugs.

In particular, CBD has been shown to have incredible effects on the body. The symptoms that this specific cannabinoid can alleviate are far-reaching, including pain and inflammation.

Although research on CBD has been somewhat slow to gather because of the federal government's stance that marijuana is a Schedule I drug, researchers who are US based are having a bit of a challenge obtaining funds to support ongoing studies and clinical trials. That said, other countries that have adopted the cannabis research and the compounding effects.

Even though marijuana and anything derived from it are considered federally illegal, athletes can still gain access to CBD from strains of hemp rich n cannabinoids for pain and inflammation management without fear of repercussions. Just recently, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) removed CBD from its banned substances list. Thanks to such a monumental change, many athletes are turning to CBD instead of traditional pharmaceuticals for their pain, even during the off-season.

How Does CBD Work to Alleviate Pain in Athletes?

Whether from acute injury and chronic overuse, athletes are often trying to find new methods to speed up recovery while maintaining a holistic approach. Thanks to innovations on the study of cannabis and its derivatives - including the non-psychoactive constituent CBD - athletes can safely experience powerful therapeutic effects that rival some of the more popular medications out there.

There is plenty of evidence that suggests  CBD can be effective for reducing pain, and many athletes who have already incorporated the use of CBD already know what it can do for them. Some professional athletes - like MMA fighter Nate Diaz and NFLer Derrick Morgan, Pro Surfer Mason Ho and Taylor Knox, Pro snowboards like Tim Humphreys and Scotty Lago - have even come out in public to express the benefits of using CBD over any other type of substance for pain mitigation.

Studies have even suggested that CBD may serve as a neuroprotectant, which means it may have the ability to protect the brain from traumatic injury from extreme contact. By acting as a neuroprotectant, athletes in contact sports may be able to protect neurons from the damaging effects of concussions by incorporating CBD into their regimens, both on and off the field.

CBD's ability to relieve pain in athletes stems from its interaction with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), found within the central nervous system and the immune system. This particular system is tasked with regulating the body's response to a number of stressors. Among these responses includes pain and inflammation, which are common symptoms that athletes tend to experience as a result of vigorous physical demands.

The ECS is made up of receptors located throughout the body. The naturally-produced endocannabinoids interact with these receptors to initiate an appropriate response to stressors. In turn, symptoms such as pain can be minimized or alleviated all together.

But rather than directly binding to these receptors and activating them - which is what the psychoactive cannabinoid THC does - CBD only interacts with these receptors without actually binding to them. As such, the appropriate response is initiated without causing the user to get high.

Where Can Athletes Obtain High-Quality CBD Oil?

Like any other supplement, athletes are encouraged to do a little research on the CBD product they intend to get behind. Before making a purchase, it's important for consumers to ensure they are buying from a reputable CBD oil manufacturer that is completely transparent about their products and certifications.

Further, each product should have clear labels that stipulate precisely what the CBD hemp concentration is and whether or not any THC is present. Finally, consumers should make sure that the product they purchase comes with a third-party lab result that will outline important factors such as potency, pesticides, and residues.

While CBD oil can be a fantastic and effective alternative to traditional medications for athletes during the off-season, the product is only as good as the manufacturer producing it.


New to CBD? check out the related link to the new user guide.

Cannabinoid options of application:

Transdermal (Skin)-Topical Salve: This application is typically used for acute and direct application. Such as an ankle sprain, arthritis, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia and migraines. Full-spectrum salves provide a whole panel of cannabinoids for increased potency.

Edible Application

Tinctures: Tincture oils are utilized in full-spectrum form (whole plant derived) and Isolated forms (Pure CBD) that are applied directly under the tongue or mixed in water. This form is typically used for direct application to the central nervous system and the entire body for ailments like anxiety, stress, epilepsy, insomnia, depression, PTSD, autoimmune responses, ADHD, cancer, systemic inflammatory disease such as, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. All applications are available as CBD isolate, broad spectrum and full spectrum.

Soft Gels: Full-spectrum soft gels essentially have the same application as tincture oils. The difference is that each soft gel is measured to a specific milligram to provide a consumer with a perfectly measured dose of CBD. This would be used for any ailments one might use CBD for, including all the ones listed above.

 Superfood powder: Super food green powder has a broad range of greens, phytonutrients, vitamins and of course CBD. This application is great to give some a nice, clean energy boost before a workout or just to get your day started naturally with improved focus.



 Kai Pattison, M.S.
Nanocraft Sciences
Athlete Relations x Physiologist

Kai Pattison was born and raised on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. Kai graduated with a Master’s degree in clinical physiology from Point Loma Nazarene University. He is very passionate about human physiology and the applications in sport performance, recovery and clinical diagnostics. Kai has specialized in cardiopulmonary diagnostics, exercise induced energy expenditure and metabolism. Kai has also gained extensive research experience at UCSD on Parkinson’s disease. He enjoys educating and informing people on the importance of exercise to reduce risk of multiple inflammatory diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. His passion for alternative medicine enables him to strive when promoting health and wellness.




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